san-miguel-de-allende Information

Everything you need to know to enjoy living in San Miguel de Allende. Including medical services, retirement, cost of living, transportation, entertainment, culture, restaurants, hotels, tours and activities, real estate, investment opportunities, history, healthcare, and the magic towns around the area.


Gringo, Expat or Immigrant

Immigration is becoming a world phenomenon. Today, more than 250 million people live outside their country of birth. By 2050, that number is expected to jump to over 400 million. Some movements are voluntary, others are driven by war or environmental crisis. In the case of ......

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San Miguel de Allende Artist Community

Magnet for Artists and Expats...Inspired Sterling Dickinson

In 1937, after several months spent traveling through Mexico, Stirling Dickinson, a graduate from Princeton, got off a train in San Miguel de Allende, an arid, down-on-its-luck mountain town 170 miles northwest of Mexico City. Taken from the ramshackle train station by a ......

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10,000 baby boomers retire every day, and many are coming to Mexico
Cost, climate, health care and culture are the principal reasons for the Mexodus…Bill Dahl/Mexico Daily News

Needless to say, the social and political rancor in North America has reached new heights (or lows). In the United States political ......

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Purchasing Process in San Miguel de Allende

When you purchase a new home in San Miguel de Allende, your agent will prepare an Offer to Buy, which will include the offered price, the proposed payment plan, down payment which usually corresponds to 10% of the purchase price and conditions or contingencies. There will be an addendum to ......

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