lake-chapala Information

Everything you need to know to enjoy living in Lake Chapala. Including medical services, retirement, cost of living, transportation, entertainment, culture, restaurants, hotels, tours and activities, real estate, investment opportunities, history, healthcare, and the magic towns around the area.


The Lerma Chapala Case Study is a history of how the rapid economic and demographic growth affected the largest fresh water basin in Central Mexico.

Today there are over 130 million people in Mexico, when this article was written there was approx. 109.65 million inhabitants. In 2011 it was the world’s 11th most populous and largest Spanish speaking country on Earth. As a regional power, since 1994 it became the first Latin American country member ......

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Mexico Gold Rush


The Gold Rush of 2020 will be similar to California’s first gold rush in 1849 that brought over 300,000 people to California searching for their dreams in the Promised Land. But this time it will be different, it will primarily be Americans looking for their Golden Years ......

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Lake Chapala Information

Lerma-Chapala Basin /Who Will Save Lake Chapala

Situated in the lerma-Chapala basin, Lake Chapala is Mexico’s largest freshwater lake, with a maximum capacity of approximately 8,000 million cubic meters. The water level varies during the year due to seasonal rainfall, and also over the long term due to periodic droughts, ......

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