mexico Information


THE GREAT ESCAPE A short note from MRG #1;

What a sinking feeling, watching this democracy’s implosion from a distance. I feel empathy for the protesters, I marched and protested in the 70’s over an illegitimate war and draft! But today’s movement is different, I don’t know how to put into words. It’s a 6th sense, something has gone wrong!

It’s sad to see…a tragedy beyond belief that is becoming scary and dangerous rather quickly. Financially they are depleting a treasure chest of wealth and forcing many people to look for options.

The covid-19 shutdown has not only bankrupted many businesses but many poorly managed states don’t have the tax revenue to keep up with basic functions. Many people do not feel financially obligated to cover these badly managed municipalities. They are moving out of state or if they can afford to, out of the USA!

The writing is on the wall…the progressives will move forward. Soon there will be more young voters than older voters. Within 9 years, they will be dictating the direction of the government. Which may be the right direction but the wrong way to get there. Capitalistic democracy has historically been better for the people.

Society is headed toward a world order. The major leaders are social media conglomerates like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter and on down the food chain. They profit from a world with no borders. With the USA as a headquarters and socialism as a platform, they will control the human population and make big money doing it. But power and control are their main goals. And maybe they have a better world vision, they think so…and nobody knows!

Many people will be getting their things together and leaving town but where do you go? And can you get out of the system and still be within the USA?

Mexico is fast becoming the Country of Choice! Although they are trending toward socialism, it’s a slow process for many reasons.

So the world’s population is trending in the right direction. It’s just some countries are moving too fast in one direction and collisions will be frequent and deadly for many.

If you want to get out of the fast lane…Go Mexico!

Mexico is a choice of lifestyles. With over 5,000 miles of coastline, numerous ecosystems, cultures and some of the friendliest people in the world, you won’t be disappointed with your new adventure.

While you get things in order and your exodus is on the horizon, there will be plenty of time to do your homework regarding your new destination. Take lots of notes, plug in your interests and lifestyle. You will find at least a dozen areas or cities that will be of interest. Keep digging and soon you will narrow it down to just a few…the closer you get, the clearer your destination becomes!
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